Friday, March 24, 2006

Quick Episode 4 Recap

In the wake of Theresa's surprise firing, Charmaine seized control of Gold Rush to reclaim her good name, which had been tarnished when Tarek returned from the boardroom and repeated

assessment: "Theresa got fired because she didn't bring Charmaine in." Things were only slightly more settled for Synergy with Tammy stepping up as PM. Trump tasked the corporations with creating billboards to promote new Post Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch cereal. Initially emotional, Charmaine quickly regained her poise and led Gold Rush to create a bold and effective poster. Tammy coped with significant disruptions from Brent and steered Synergy ably. But in the end, Synergy's billboard did not impress and Post execs deemed Gold Rush the winner.

Their reward was a day of cooking in the kitchen with world-class chef Jean George, while Synergy faced a different sort of grilling in the boardroom. Most of Synergy sang the praises of PM Tammy, with the exception of Brent suggesting that Tammy's leadership "stank." Brent's rude manner and inability to get along with his colleagues shocked Trump, George and Ivanka, prompting the Donald to dump Brent even before the final boardroom.

After a brief teary interlude, Charmaine rebounded from the second-hand boardroom blame game and resolved to lead Gold Rush to victory. Meanwhile, Tammy stepped up for Synergy, a corporation that seemed to be on a more even keel despite the ongoing rift between Brent and his colleagues.

Gathering the candidates at the Trump Tower Buffet and Grill, Mr. Trump assigned the corporations a vital marketing mission. They would get a look inside the $6 billion annual U.S. cereal industry with one of the world's best-known brands, Post. The task: "To identify the 'new face' of Post Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch cereal and present a vertical billboard campaign using your 'new face' to Post executives."

Charmaine's positive leadership kept Gold Rush moving throughout the task. She received brainstorming input from the others but forcefully made decisions even when her strong-willed colleagues wanted to extend debate. Bryce's creative thrust for the corporation's billboard was bold yet simple: an attractive woman pouring an avalanche of Post Grape Nuts Trail Mix Crunch into her mouth. Tarek found the perfect girl-next-door model in no time on the streets of Manhattan. But when the photo shoot images weren't as stellar as they initially appeared, Bryce started second-guessing his concept. Once again, however, Charmaine decided what they had was indeed good enough and pushed forward.

Synergy highlighted the new Grape Nuts by pairing a forty-something dad with a twenty-something daughter. In their brainstorming session, Brent had suggested a weight-loss theme but was overruled by the group. When he subsequently pressed to make the presentation, Tammy tactfully declined, implying that Brent's plus-size image might send the wrong message. Ivanka observed of Synergy that, "They're trying to manage Brent by having him do absolutely nothing. It's just not going to work." But then again, Brent's off-message suggestions to the graphic designer weren't working either, which led Tammy to clear the room and cede graphic-design oversight to Andrea. Even without distractions, Andrea faced a challenge in visually presenting Synergy's complex message: "Try the next generation of Grape Nuts. Finally, the cereal for everybody."

Sean's stammering presentation didn't help Synergy, but the Post executives clearly favored the bolder and more immediate poster created by Gold Rush. Their reward was a day with world-class chef Jean George at his restaurant in Trump International Hotel & Tower,. "Jean George is so successful in his kitchen because of his creativity and I think that overall is what made us winners," said Charmaine. Equally inspired was Bryce, whose day with the chef made him wonder, "Why waste a single day not doing exactly what you love?" As always, Lenny did it his way, adding his own finishing dash of cayenne pepper to an already finished meal, which caused the chef to half-joke about Lenny, "I don't like him as a customer. Au revoir."

Meanwhile, someone from Synergy was due to hear the same message from Mr. Trump in the boardroom.

Synergy colleagues that, "I'm a nuclear weapon in that boardroom." But he had an unexpected meltdown when he faced Mr. Trump and the mogul's trusted associates George and Ivanka. Having been marginalized by the rest of Synergy, Brent seemed to have dodged a bullet--since he had no vital task, he bore no direct blame.

Despite the loss, most of Synergy had nothing but praise for project manager Tammy. (Roxanne even irked Andrea by saying Tammy had been their best P.M. so far.) But when asked by Mr. Trump to assess the PM, Brent was surprisingly hostile and said that Tammy really stank as a leader. The unprovoked attack shifted the focus to Brent. "How come you can't get along with anybody?" Trump asked him. Brent maintained that the others were ganging up on him, but Trump wasn't buying it and decided to save everyone the trouble of bringing Brent back for the final boardroom formality. "Brent, you're fired," said Trump. "Out. Over. Go!"


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